Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Nagging Wife and How Not to Be One

A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.
Proverbs 27:15 

A contentious wife is a nag. She drives her husband over the edge with her quarreling because it seems to never end. She is like that leaky faucet that drips, drips, drips. 

Are you a nagging wife? 
Is your first greeting to your husband when he walks through the door after a long day at work a complaint? 
Do you continuously call or text your husband during the day with critical questions?
(In your eyes) is he not meeting your expectations as a father? As a husband? As a provider?

Nagging wife, you need to make that next move. The one you expect your husband to make so that you can finally be happy again. 

For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer

Be the shelter, the safer harbor your husband wants to run home to. Don't blend in with the rest of the crowd in a man's world. While he is out there trying to make ends meet, he is also fighting a spiritual battle of his own, whether he knows he is drafted or not. 

If you have humbly raised your hand that you are, indeed, a nag, please don't fret. Repent, but don't fret.

Before your husband comes home, what are some ways you can lighten up the place? I don't mind sharing some of my own ideas.

1. Get dinner started 45 minutes to an hour before he gets home. What is more enticing than walking into the aroma of a lovingly prepared meal? Light a candle, get some of his favorite tunes going. 

2. Get the kids bathed and into their pajamas ahead of time. Often times with my kids (ages 4 and 6) it is just easier to have them clean and in their pajamas before Daddy walks in the door. The evening is so much less hectic and I don't find myself being so critical of a tired husband during bedtime routine. 

3. Give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to unload. Read a chapter from a book, pray, look at a magazine, or sit in complete solitude (if possible) before your husband comes home. I usually do this while dinner is cooking and kids are bathing. If the kids need to be supervised while in the tub, then do this while sitting on the toilet seat or a chair in the bathroom. Maybe even read your Bible out loud while the kids bathe. 

4. Do a super quick pretty-up as I call it. Put on mascara, a pair of earrings and spray on some perfume or body splash. Try a quick and pretty hair style like these or this.  

If it sounds like a lot of sacrifice here, well, it is. Marriage is about giving, willingly, out of your own cup and into your spouse's. I used to want, want, want from my husband. Now that I have seen the fruit in my labor, I know that a servant's heart is what truly blesses my marriage. You will always have trouble on this earth - financial, family, troubles of all sorts - and you two will have to face these together. Really, what is the sense on complaining, on nagging? You two are on the same team! And what do good teammates do? They encourage each other, problem solve together, they hear each other out and combine ideas to come up with the best scenarios that will truly benefit the team. And if the scenario doesn't work, it's back to the drawing board....together

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